Trying to assess someone in speaking is a diffcult task, even more if the student is shy, you have to fight the shyness and the low speaking skills, Therefore I think the way to assess and improve speaking skills is practicing and practicing with someone who can correct you no matter how many mistakes you make.
I like that phrase but you suggest to practice with someone who can correct our mistakes. but I think it is not a matter of correcting I think is more important to communicate and if you feel comfortable talking with someone who doesnt correct your mistakes well I think thats the beginning to form the bases of my selfconfidence to speak. then you can start talking with someone who can correct your mistakes.
ResponderEliminarI agree with you but, it is so important to take into account that in our case the opportunities to speak English are so limited; as we don´t have much exposure with the language. However, people who want to improve speaking skills have to worry about being in touch with Eglish as long as they can, it doesn´t matter if they talk with people who correct them or just allow them speak freely. the important thing here is to take advantage of each opportunity by using their speaking abilities, unfotunately it is part of our reality.
ResponderEliminarTotally, in fact the real challenge is not to enhance speking but to fight shyness, as you said. In my own experience as teacher I have struggled to foster students' self-confidence when speaking, I have experienced that the students' fear is to make mistakes. I have told them that it is not something to worry about when they are learning because from mistakes people learn a lot, but also because if they continue postponing their production, it will be more difficult to reach a good productive competence.